:: Plan of Linux :: .What is linux A free operating system .Origin of Linux Unix & Linus Tornvald .Is Linux good ? ..Yes Yes for advance user and for configuration A lot of distribution A lot of developpers ..No Bad for beginners or for multimedia Even if easier, always more complicated for beginners A lot of parameters have to been change manually by editing files .Futur Of Linux perpetually progress, should been better & better http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/b/7/6b7c5fa1-fcc9-434e-b1e6-5025b7f97786/YankeePart1.pdf http://www.linux-watch.com/news/NS8124627492.html http://www.michaelhorowitz.com/Linux.vs.Windows.html http://xlife.zuavra.net/columns/20011104/ 1 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix 2 : http://xlife.zuavra.net/columns/20011104/